Notes From Patmos

Good morning all:

Dr. Jerry Welch died this past Saturday night/Sunday morning.  We sent out a funeral notice, but please be aware that the time of the actual service has changed to 11:00am.  The visitation is shortened to end around 10:45am.  All else is correct.  Please keep Jerry and those who love him in your thoughts and prayers. 

We are starting to gear up for the Fall, and there is one ministry we used toi have that I think is well worth bringing back- that of prayer partners.  In days gone by, we would match up adults and children randomly, and the adults would send letters of encouragement and also to let them know they are being prayed for… it was a very meaningful ministry and my own children remember it fondly.  Below are two links to sign up, and a bit more information on this ministry.  So if you want your children prayed for and have notes of encouragement, sign them up! If you want to pray for and encourage one of the children of the parish, sign up! 

I hope and pray everyone is having a good summer. 

See you all around the parish!


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But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19.14)

Sign up as a Prayer Partner here! (Adults who want to pray and encourage youth)

With the coming of the new school year we want to continue to deepen and enrich our children’s lives One way we would like to continue in that outreach is with our Children’s Prayer Partners program.  This program proved to be a huge success last last time we offered it and was very meaningful to our children. This is a ministry in which anyone and everyone can become involved.  The idea is a simple but important and meaningful one- we want our adult parishioners to pray for the children of the parish. More specifically, we would like our adult members the opportunity to ‘adopt’ a child and let the child know they are being prayed for by writing letters of encouragement for ideally at least once a month. While a simple act, it is one that reaps substantial rewards- and it is awesome and the kids and adults alike will love doing it!  So, we invite you to sign up your child to be assigned a prayer partner, either by using the sign up sheet on the bulletin board, or electronically here.  Once there are adults for every child, the office will place an adult with a child and give them the name and mailing address of the child.  Once the children and adults are matched, let the prayers, encouragement and letters begin!  Other churches who have done this have seen that it is rewarding and consequential and I know we will as well!


Notes From Patmos 07.17